Thursday, April 7, 2011

Screw You, I like Taylor Swift.

I guess I have what some people would call a "Hipster's Taste" for music, I would disagree, but that's not really the discussion. In the last decade or so people have forgotten that pop music can be great, and redeeming; it was also forgotten that you can enjoy pop while still loving your underground hits.

Look back at the 70s, it was more than okay to love The Who as well as lets say, the Sex Pistols. Or even the 80's, it is easy to imagine someone digging the Cars while having a Replacements album waiting to be put on next. The 90's even had this. Tons of people loved Nirvana and Pearl Jam, did that mean they couldn't also be all about Pavement or Archers of Loaf? No, no it didn't.

In the 2000's though, pop started having a stigma. Rejection of the mainstream is a cultural badge of the so-called "Hipster Movement". I realized though, it's time to break the mold. I need to make a confession.

I adore Taylor Swift's music.

At first I wanted to hate it. I heard "Love Story", and I called it "faux-Country" (which it still is…nevertheless…). I talked shit about it ("It's pop with a violin! It's so generic!"). But then the song stayed stuck in my head. I found myself humming the chorus as I walked to class from my apartment. I started searching on Youtube for the video, and I'd keep it on a loop while I was online. I was hooked.

I had Sara pick me up the album from her work, and I just immediately attached to it. Everything a music lover would want is there, it's catchy, is filled with great hooks, and is just pleasant to listen to. Sure, the lyrics can be a touch bubblegum on the topic of love sometimes, but so were all the bands I listened to in High School, as well as current favorites such as Bruce Springsteen.

People slag on Taylor Swift for her singing voice, especially live, well I can count many famous indie rock bands who have bad singers. I still love the bands despite it. How many indie rock fans have given Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips crap because he can't hit all the notes live? The answer? None. None of them. Because that's part of his charm. The dude has a weird voice. But because Ms. Swift is in the pop spotlight, she gets it laid on her at all times.

Lastly, I have to say, she's just a great songwriter. Compare the lyrics to the title track from her newest album "Speak Now" to just about any indie rock love song. I guarantee you it holds up.

Honestly, give pop music another chance. I did, let the hooks get stuck in you. For once give in to the incessant radio play. Who knows, you might find that it'll do you some good.


  1. whichever writer that writes these long boring blogs really needs to stop trying to reinvent the wheel and just stick to short and sweet or make it interesting.

  2. You may consider the same for your comments. Nonconstructive trolling is just as boring and infinitely more pointless. If you want "short and sweet", go read some tweets.

  3. What're you, stupid? This post is like a page long.

    Also, Jonesie I will never understand your love for T-Swift, but kudos for putting it out there.
